What is Sparkle.vision?
A description of how Liz sees - quite literally - and this hub for their projects.
Liz believes:
You are the hero and the villain and the monster and the treasure to be found. We all create the legends we need.
Liz is curious about these epic worlds that we all carry inside.
They walk a braided, often cyclical path of Visual arts, performing arts, written word, and teaching tools for well-being, including Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation.
Liz’s work is heartfelt and earnest with a touch of lightheartedness - glitter in the dark.
Their past work includes but is not limited to:
choreographing large-scale dance works with video, punk rock, baby goddesses, swords, roses, pancakes, wedding dresses, and teenage mutant ninja turtles
designing and creating costumes organically, often from found and recycled materials, fascinated by the details no one else would ever see, which is how they approach a lot of projects
teaching standardized test prep paired with wellness and social justice for ages ranging from middle school to young adults
publishing 35 illustration portraits for disabled dance artists from 15 different countries
Liz is inspired to:
Create spaces and systems for the care and safety of human bodies, learning, and creativity
Work with small groups or individuals, whether locally, online, or co-leading retreats
Support artists, teachers, and anyone who wants to tap into their creativity
Fun facts:
Originally from Colorado, Liz lived briefly in Japan after college and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2009.
Growing up, Liz’s family always had cats, dogs, and fish, but their most unusual pet was a Tiger Salamander named Gorgona.
Past jobs have included professional gift wrapper, barista, and teen dance company liaison.
More about Liz as a Teacher, including their WHY and the Ethics behind their work, can be found on the OFFERINGS page!